Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's not Indonesia . . . but . . .

This post is for Widya.

We don't have blooms 365 days a year like the paradise that is Indonesia. I wanted you to see what's blooming right now in our yard. Most of these blooms will only last a week or so.

The cherry tree is loaded this year. We'll save some for you to eat later this summer!

Periwinkle...a ground cover.

The plum tree. We're still eating plums from last summer's bumper crop...dried, canned, sauce and preserves.

The fig tree Joseph's grandfather planted. It's never produced much fruit. Maybe this year!

Phlox, a ground cover.

Dogwood blossom.

More dogwood blossoms. They start out kind of pink, but will soon be all white with pink tips.

More cherry blosooms!!


  1. well look who thinks she's the next --insert famous photographer-- !!

  2. Maybe the fig tree needs a friend to cross-pollinate? I just planted blueberry bushes and they told me to get two varieties to ensure fruit from cross-pollination.
