Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sheep Shearing Day at Rising Meadow Farm

Bobbie, Karen and I had a fabulous time at the farm yesterday!

We watched the master blade shearer Kevin Ford at work, saw the new baby lambs who were in a separate barn listening to classical music, bought some of the farm's Corriedale yarn, and enjoyed a lunch of lamb stew and homemade apple cake on the farmhouse porch.
We especially enjoyed meeting some really cool people from Germany who now live in Mebane. Karin Fuhrer-Thornton, who owns SignsMebane, made the amazing apple cake and was wearing a sweater that she had just finished kniting. She had carded the wool, spun it and then knit it herself--all since December--and she had just learned to wheel spin! I'm so impressed....wish I had asked to take a picture.

On the way home, Karen spotted these beautiful churches where we stopped to take pics.

A wonderful day!

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